15m white tape with connector for GT3/MK3 15m white tape with connector for MARSEN UTL200 15m white tape with connector GTEX/RTEX 15m yellow tape with connector for MMC D2401-2 2-way Control Valve 2-way Temperature Sensing Valve 30m white tape with connector for GT3/MK3 30m white tape with connector for MARSEN UTL200 30m white tape with connector GTEX/RTEX 30m yellow tape with connector for MMC D2401-2 3-way Control Valve 3-way Rotary Control Valve Absolute Pressure Gauge Acid Number Test Acoustic Imaging Cameras Advanced Thermal Imaging Camera Air Data Test Set Air Headers Air Intake Shut Off Valve Air Intake Shut-off Butterfly Valve Air Shut Off Butterfly Valve Air Start Valve Alcohol and drug detection Alcohol Testing Alcolmeter Altero Ambistat Altero Laborstat Ambi Duostat Ambient Temperature Sensor Ambistat Analogue Temperature Transmitter Analysis Angled resistance thermometer ATEX / IECEx ATEX Ambistat ATEX Industat AUTO / ANTI HEELING SYSTEM WITH INCLINOMETER MODEL : TIN-2000 AUTOMATIC VALVE CONTROLLER MODEL : V-CON Avionics Back pressure detector Balances BALLAST TANK & DRAFT LEVEL GAUGING SYSTEM MODEL : BAL-2000 (ELECTRIC PRESSURE TYPE) BALLAST TANK & DRAFT LEVEL GAUGING SYSTEM MODEL : BAL-2000 (ELECTRIC PNEUMATIC TYPE) BALLAST TANK & DRAFT LEVEL GAUGING SYSTEM MODEL : BAL-2000 (PURE PNEUMATIC TYPE) Ballast Water Test Kit Battery analyzers Bayonet Resistance Thermometer BILGE ALARM SYSTEM MODEL : BOA-2000 Bimetal Temperature Switch Bimetal Thermometer Bimetall-Thermomanometer Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge BRIDGE NAVIGATION WATCH ALARM SYSTEM Bulkhead Mount Controller Bypass Level Indicator Cable & pipe locators Cable Resistance Thermometer Cable testing and fault location Cable Thermocouple Calibration Cylinders Calibration equipment Calibration Gas / Test Gas Calibration Gas Cylinder Recycler Calibration Gas Supply Calibration Gases Calipers Capsule Pressure Gauge Carbon steel gauging tape CARGO PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM MODEL : VIP-2000 CARGO TANK HIGH / OVERFILL ALARM SYSTEM MODEL : HAI-2000 (MAGNETIC FLOAT TYPE) CARGO TANK MONITORING SYSTEM – LEVEL MODEL : CARGO-2000 (MAGNETIC FLOAT TYPE) CARGO TANK MONITORING SYSTEM – LEVEL MODEL : CARGO-2000 (RADAR TYPE) CAS Pressure Switch & Thermostat Clamp meter Clamp Meters Cleaning and maintenance products PPE Closed gas tight sampler Closed gas tight trimode gauging tape Closed gauging Coating Thickness Gauges Cold Filter Plugging Point Test Communication equipment Compact Infrared Gas Monitor Compact Pressure Switch Compact Thermal Camera Compatibility Tester Component test Concrete testing devices Contact gauge Control Valve Service Kit Cooling and Boiler Water Test Kits Couplings for use in maritime vapor recovery operations Cylinder Bore Gauges Data loggers Data network testing and diagnostics systems DEAD MAN ALARM SYSTEM Deck coverings for std Demand Flow Regulator Depth Gauges Detection Tubes | determining the concentration of catalytic fines in fuel DE-WATERING SYSTEM MODEL : WIP-2000 Dial Gauges Dial Thermometer Diaphragm Operated 2-Way Gas Valve Diaphragm Pressure Gauge Differential Pressure Controller Differential Pressure Gauge Differential Pressure Transmitter Differential Thermostat Digital Indicator Digital Manifolds Digital Pressure Gauge Digital Temperature Transmitter DIN plug resistance thermometer Dip tapes Diverting Dual Filter Filterstat Drinksafe Spares Drones Duct Limistat Duct Temperature Sensor Duct Thermostat Duo Limistat Duostats ECDIS Charts & Publications ECOM / data cabling ECOM / RF and active networks Electric motors Electro Pneumatic Converter ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC POWER PACK MODEL : EHPP-200 Electronic loads Electronic Oil Flow Meter Electronic Temperature Switch Electronic test instruments Elevated body temperature detection EMERSON UTI TAPE (Closed Type) Emissions Monitoring Encoders Engine thermometer Enhanced ‘closed’ gauging systems Environmental measurement instruments Ex Indu Duct EX Industat EX PROOF INSTRUMENT Ex Submersible Pressure Transmitter Expansion Thermometer Extended Level Switch External Liquid Level Controller External Liquid Level Meter External Sensing 2-way Valve Female / Female Gauge Cocks Field Indicator Fieldbus Temperature Transmitter Filter Regulator Fine Dust Measurement Fixed Flow Regulator Fixed Gas Detection Fixed Thermal Camera Flame Detector Testers Flanged Connection Diaphragm Seal Flanged Process Connection Diaphragm Seal Flanged Process Diaphragm Seal Flanged Resistance Thermometer Flanged Thermocouple Flashpoint Liquid Tester Float Switch Flow Calibration Flow Meters Flow Switch Flow Transmitter Flowmeters (Turbine, Coriolis, Magnetic, Flow Compact, Orifice, Volumetric, Ultrasonic clampon) Flue Gas Analysers Fluxgate Sensor Formaldehyde Gas Detector Four Gas Personal Monitor Froststat Fuel Bacteria Test Galvanostat Gap Gauges Gas analyzers GAS DETECTION SYSTEM MODEL : BGAS-2000 Gas detection technology Gas Detector Head Gas Leak Detector Gas measurement (portable and stationary) GAS MONITORING UNIT MODEL : GAS-200 Gas Sampling Bag Gas Tube Detection Gas-actuated Temperature Switch Gas-actuated Thermometer Gauge Protectors Gauge Snubbers Gauge Valve Gauging tapes for tankers, barges and other liquid transport vessels Gauss Meter Gear Flow Meter Gland Gauge Cocks Glass level gauge Handheld Thermal Night Vision Camera Hatch Cover Testing | Hazardous Area Shut Off Valve Hazmat suits Heat Detector Testers Heavy Duty Temperature Sensor Heavy Duty Temperature Sensor for exhaust gases HERMETIC GTEX UTI 30M HERMETIC MK3 LBI UNI 30M ( Open Type) HERMETIC MK3 LBI UNI 30M (Closed Type) HERMETIC RTX UTI 30M High voltage and electric power technology High-Pressure Controller Hot Runner Thermocouple Humidity Hydraulic Hand Test Pump Hydraulic Service Kit Hydro-Mechanical Diesel Fuel Shutoff Valve Hygrometer (humidity/temperature) Indoor Air Quality Indoor Oxygen Monitor Indu Ambistat Industrial gauges Industrial Thermometers Infrared Camera Infrared CO2 Gas Monitor Infrared Single Gas Monitor Infrared Thermometers In-Line Diaphragm Seal Insolubes Installation test equipment Instrument Monoflanges Instruments for mechanical measurements Insulation and installation testers Insulation tester Intelligent Gas Detector IR Cameras Iron In Oil Test KPS Pressure Switch & Thermostat Labor Limistat Laborstat Leak detectors Legionella Field Test Level Level Transmitter Lifeforce Spares Linear Actuator Liquid samplers Liquid Testing Loop Calibrators Magnetic Compass Magnetic Float Switch Magnetic Inductive Flow Sensor Magnetic Level Gauge Magnetometer Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter Magnetostrictive Sensor Male / Adjusting nut Gauge Cocks Male / Female Gauge Cocks Marine Combination Gas Detector Marine Defibrillators Marine Fire Sprinkler System Test Marine Gas Detectors Marine Potable Water Test Kit Marine Pressure Calibration Kit Marine Temperature Calibration Kit Maritime Calibration kit Measuring Insert measuring insert for B-head Measuring paste Measuring rod Mechanical Temperature Switch Mechanical Test Gauge Metal Level Switch MGO-HFO CHANGEOVER SYSTEM Micrometers Mini Limistat Miniature Resistance Thermometer Mini-Multistat Ministat Mix Calibration Gas Mixing Filterstat Mixing or Diverting Filterstat MMC 30M CLOSED TYPE MMC ASIA GREEN 30M (Open Type) MMC BLACK TAPE 30M MMC TAPE YELLOW COLOUR (Closed Type) Moisture Meters Multi Gas tester Multi Stimulus Testers Multi-channel Gas Monitoring System Multimeters Navistat Non-eletric values measurement instruments O2 ANALYZER MODEL : IGO-200 Object detection OIL DISCHARGE MONITORING SYSTEM MODEL : ODM-2000 Oil Flow Meter OIL MIST DETECTOR MODEL : OMD-200 Oil Test Cabinets Optical Gas Indicator Oscilloscope | Oxygen sensing gauging system closed gas tight version Oxygen sensor gauging tape system Paddle Flow Switch Peak Pressure Indicator Personal Four Gas Monitor Personal Locator Beacons Picostat Pressure Switch Picotherm Pipe Mounting Thermostat Pipe Resistance Thermometer Plastic Level Switch Pneumatic Hand Test Pump Pneumatic High-Pressure Controller Pneumatic manometer Pneumatic Positioners Pneumatic Service Kit Pneumatic Spring Return Air Shut Off Valve Polyamid coated carbon steel gauging tape Portable Calibration Portable CO/O2 Combination Gas Monitor Portable Combustible Gas Detector Portable devices for electricians Portable electronic gauging tapes Portable Flow Meter Portable Gas Detection Portable instruments for measurement & sampling of land-based petroleum and chemical tanks Portable Liquid Level Indicator Portable Low-Pressure Controller Portable Multi Gas Detector Portable Oxygen Monitor Portable Pressure Calibrator Portable Single Gas Monitor Portable Toxic Gas Monitor Positive Displacement Flow Sensor Potable Water Testing Power analyzers and energy management systems Power quality analyzers Power supplies Precision measurement and calibration systems Pressure PRESSURE CALIBRATOR MODEL : MPC-200 Pressure Calibrators Pressure Controller Pressure gauge Glycerine type Pressure Gauges Pressure gauges – chemical applications PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS Pressure Meters Pressure Reducing Valve Pressure Sensor Pressure sensors and switches Pressure Switch & Thermostat Pressure Switches Pressure testing Pressure Transmitter Process Monoflanges Process Thermocouple Process Transmitter Process, test and measuring instruments Product test Protective goggles Pumps Manometer Radar Level Meter Rapid Ballast Water Test Reed-chain Level Sensor Refrigeration Scales Rescue and escape devices Resistance Thermometer Respiratory protection Restricted sampler Restricted sampler with decanting Restricted trimode Restricted uti barrels Reverse Acting 2-way Control Valve Rotary Actuator Rulers Safety Shutdown Device SALINITY METER MODEL : SAL-200 Sampler adaptors Sampling weights SEA HOVER UTI SHT 2002 30M (Closed Type) Self-Acting Thermostats Sewage Effluent Test Kit Sewage Water Test Kit SF6 gas Shut Off Valve Signal generators Silver/Copper Ionisation Test Kits Single Channel Gas Monitor Single Gas tester Smart Probes refrigeration sets Smoke Detector Testers Smoke Tester Soft Seated Multiport Gauge Valves Solenoid Valve Solid samplers Special offshore floating hose flange coupling Spectrum analyzer Stainless steel gauging tape Stainless Steel High Pressure 2-Way Valve | Sterile Connection Diaphragm Seal Straight resistance thermometer Straight thermowell with fixed thread Strapping tapes Submersible Pressure Transmitter SUBSEA DATA LOGGER SUBSEA GAUGE Surface Resistance Thermometer Swing Gate Air Shut Off Valve Swivel Nut Gauge Cocks Systems for building airtightness measurements Tank dryness and sounding valve Tanktop gauging sampling stations Temperature Temperature & Pressure Control Valve Temperature Calibrator TEMPERATURE CALIBRATOR MODEL : MTC-200 Temperature Calibrators Temperature Controller Temperature Dry Well Calibrator Temperature Sensors Temperature Switches Temperature Transmitter Test gauge Test Sets for Electrical Devices test system oil for various diesel engines Testing System Thermal Imaging Camera Thermal InfraRed cameras Thermal Monitoring System Thermography Thermomanometer Thermometer with Plug Connection Thermometers Thermostat Stainless Steel Thermostatic Control Valve Thermowell Thermowell with sliding connection Thickness Gauge Thickness Gauges Threaded Connection Diaphragm Seal Threaded Resistance Thermometer Threaded Thermometer Top Mounted Liquid Level Meter Transducer Transformer testing equipment Transformers Turbine Flow Sensor Turbine Fuel Shutoff Valve Type C Double Block & Bleed Manifolds Type PL 2-Valve Manifolds Type PW 3-Valve Manifolds Type PY 2-Valve Manifolds Type R2 2-Valve Manifolds Type S Block & Bleed Manifolds Type W2L 2-Valve Manifolds Ullage tapes ULLAGE TEMPERATURE INTERFACE DETECTOR MODEL : UTL-200 Ultrasonic Switch Ultrasonic Transducer Ultraviolet cameras UPS systems U-tube Gauges Vacuum gauge Valve Positioner VALVE REMOTE / CONTROL SYSTEM MODEL : VRC-2000 Vapor control gauging stations Vapor control valves Vapor control valves for gauging, sampling VAPOUR EMISSION & CONTROL SYSTEM MODEL : VECS-2000 Videoscopes VISCOMETER MODEL : VIS-200 Viscosity Test Water Flow Meter Water in Oil Test WATER INGRESS ALARM SYSTEM MODEL : WIA-2000 Water Ingress Detection Water Leak Detection Equipment Water Meter XRF Analysers Equipment and materials for Nondestructive Testing (NDT) |